- “Insurers’ Successful Challenge to 2016 Amendments to Florida’s Unclaimed Property Act Reversed on Appeal,” Carlton Fields (June 10, 2020)
- “Pending Approval By Governor, Companies That Rent Industrial “Special Mobile Equipment” Will No Longer Be Subject to Strict Vicarious Liability for the Actions of Their Renters,” Carlton Fields (April 30, 2019)
- “Trial Checklist,” Carlton Fields (December 16, 2016)
- “A Post-Trial Triage Checklist,” Carlton Fields (March 2019)
- “Preserved, Actually: Preservation of Arguments Definitively Rejected by the Trial Court,” I Object! A Blog on Preservation of Error, Carlton Fields (February 20, 2019)
- “Objecting to Violations of Prior Rulings,” I Object! A Blog on Preservation of Error, Carlton Fields (June 4, 2018)
- “A Model Preservation Test for Race-Based Peremptory Challenges,” Carlton Fields Trial Tips (March 2016).
- “Second District Clarifies Preservation Test for Race-Based Peremptory Challenges,” Carlton Fields Trial Tips (March 22, 2016).
- Co-Author, “Moving for Remand: When Have You Lost Your Chance?” Carlton Fields Trial Tips (March 2016).
- Co-Author, “A Primer on the Intentional-tort Exception to Employers’ Workers’ Compensation Immunity,” The Florida Bar Journal (December 2015)
- Florida Legislature Repeals Longstanding Law on Terms of Courts and Creates New Law Affecting Appellate Court’s Ability To Recall Mandate (July 2013).
- “Florida Supreme Court Declares Hospital Lien Law Unconstitutional Under Florida Constitution’s Prohibitions Concerning Special Laws, But Upholds Local Ordinance With Same Effect As Law,” Carlton Fields Client Alert (June 13, 2012).
- Co-Author, “Court Rules that Documents Ordered Produced Under “Patient’s Right to Know,” Amendment (“Amendment 7”) are not Admissible at Trial (2011).
- “Using Technology to Help Win the Trial and Appeal,” American Bar Association Business Torts Journal (Winter 2008).
- Co-Author, “Statutory Construction In Florida: In Search Of A Principled Approach,” 9 Florida Coastal Law Review 437 (2008)